At first glance, plants might seem like a strange thing to collect. But people have been fascinated by the practice for centuries (how do you think botanical gardens got started) and our greenhouse offers many unusual varieties for the plant person who has it all. The collector plants we receive usually come in small quantities and limited sizes, so let us know next time you’re in what you’re looking for and we can add it to our request list for the future.

For the Aroid Obsessed

The word “aroid” refers to plants in the family Araceae. This includes Philodendron, Anthurium, Monstera, and many more. Some grow as vines and others are more compact. Many variegated varieties are highly sought after.

For the Hoya Heads

Hoyas are tropical vines, usually with thick waxy leaves and lovely little balls of flowers (they’re related to milkweed and it’s easy to see why). Many need bright light and grow at a snail’s pace, but that makes every peduncle all the more special. 

For the Treasure Hunters

Perhaps some of the most exciting plants we get are those the staff has never even seen in person before! Once in a blue moon, we encounter sights in this greenhouse that make us grateful to be plant people and set off a real thrill of the hunt for our customers. You never know what you’ll find!